Local Information:
Important Contact Details:
If calling SA from the USA, add 011 27 . If calling the USA from SA, add 00 1 to the USA number.
Zag Sports:
Direct: 609-712-4667—jmeccage@zagsports.com
Mary Gleason: Tour Experience Liaison—917-679-5771
Cape Town(Tour Guide)
Cape Town Accommodation:
Cape Town Emergency Number: 107—You can pick up any Telkom phone, including payphones, and make a toll-free call.
Emergencies-U.S. Consulate General - Cape Town
(for assistance for U.S. citizens in the provinces of Western Cape, Northern Cape, and Eastern Cape)
During regular business hours (Monday – Thursday: 8:00 to 5:00 p.m.; Friday: 8:00 to 12:00 noon):
From inside South Africa, dial 021-702-7300.
From the U.S., dial: 011-27-21-702-7300.
Email us on consularcapetown@state.gov
For afterhours, weekends, and holidays:
From inside South Africa, dial 079-111-0391.
From the U.S., dial 011-27-79-111-0391